The Reason for the Title of This Blog: The Sky is Blue

The sky is blue.  Sometimes it appears gray for days or weeks at a time (especially if you live in Seattle, Washington), but regardless of its disguise, its inherent color is blue.  I titled this blog as such for a number of reasons.

We all have gray days: days of sad kids, days of sad news, days of fatigue and worry.  During those days, it is easy to let the grayness seep from our brain down into our heart, leaving us with a feeling of "blah." At these times more than others, we must remember that the gray masks a beautiful blue.  Behind the temporary fog lies a blue sky awaiting its reemergence from the cloud.  

For this reason, I will write about moments of blue skies and inspiration in the life of a parent to brighten up the days of gray.

From here, I contemplate - why is the sky blue?  The sky has no color or pigment, merely tiny particles of nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen.  These particles reflect the waters below.  The more beautiful blue water, the more blue in the sky.  I think of this concept a lot in my parenting.  Children have some traits ingrained in their genetic makeup.  However, the majority of their behavior and mannerisms are a direct reflection of what happens around them.  Just as the tiny particles of the sky, their environment directly affects their behavior (the image of themselves that the world sees).  Do they have a bright, blue sky disposition or a gray one?  Do they make others feel happy, or do they tear them down?

With this concept in mind, I will write about times when I see a direct reflection of myself in the way my children act and view the world - whether good or bad.  Through these observations, I can analyze my own parenting and continually find ways to improve who I am and how I parent my children so that they will emanate a true blue reflection of the environment we aspire to create in our home.

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